Listen to SSTI's Interview with Dave McNamara of SCLaunch

Listen to Dave McNamara's response to the following questions in this clip (approximately six minutes):

  • Part of SCLaunch’s mission is to facilitate dialogue between research universities and private industry. How do you go about doing this and what has come out of that dialogue?
  • SCLaunch has posted some impressive impact numbers in a short amount of time. How was the organization able to move so quickly and how do you track the performance of the companies that participate in the program?
  • What metrics have been especially helpful in making the case for continued support of SCLaunch?
  • SCLaunch is making the transition to become supported through private investment. What has made this possible and how do you make the case to potential investors?

Listen to the six-minute condensed version of the interview or the full conversation (12:25 minutes).

Or download the transcript

About SCLaunch

SC Launch was created to facilitate applied research, product development and commercialization programs, strengthen South Carolina's Knowledge Economy and create high wage-earning jobs by executing the mandates of the South Carolina Innovation Centers Act of 2005 and Industry Partners Act of 2006. SC Launch is building equity in the future by generating technology-based jobs which enhance the state's quality of life and provide strong prospects for all South Carolinians in the Knowledge Economy.

About the Excellence in TBED Awards
The SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards recognize exceptional achievement in addressing elements that have been found in successful tech-based economies. These include a research base that generates new knowledge, mechanisms for transferring knowledge into the marketplace, an entrepreneurial culture, sources of risk capital, and a technically skilled workforce.

For more information about the SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards, visit