Listen to SSTI's Interview with Julie Lenzer Kirk of ACTiVATE®

Listen to Julie Lenzer Kirk's response to the following questions in this clip (approximately 15 minutes):

Listen here or download a transcript.

ACTiVATE® is a catalyst for economic and cultural transformation, helping mid-career women build businesses by leveraging their existing skill set to commercialize technology. Developed as a systematic model for training entrepreneurs and commercializing technology developed by universities and federal labs, the program has been expanded to more broadly focus on the underrepresentation of women in S&T fields by pairing them with promising technologies in order to grow new, high-growth businesses.

About the Excellence in TBED Awards
The SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards recognize exceptional achievement in addressing elements that have been found in successful tech-based economies. These include a research base that generates new knowledge, mechanisms for transferring knowledge into the marketplace, an entrepreneurial culture, sources of risk capital, and a technically skilled workforce.

For more information about the SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards, visit