Listen to SSTI's Interview with Will Indest of TechColumbus

Listen to Will Indest's response to the following questions in this clip (approximately 10 minutes):

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About TechStart
The TechColumbus TechStart Program supports and develops viable entrepreneurial companies from their earliest phase through their launch as significant economic contributors. The TechStart team in collaboration with its partners has invested $11.5 million directly in technology startups, resulting in the creation of 912 jobs having an average annual salary of more than $62,000. The team serves startups located in its business incubator and across the 15-county Central Ohio region.

About the Excellence in TBED Awards
The SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards recognize exceptional achievement in addressing elements that have been found in successful tech-based economies. These include a research base that generates new knowledge, mechanisms for transferring knowledge into the marketplace, an entrepreneurial culture, sources of risk capital, and a technically skilled workforce.

For more information about the SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards, visit