Listen to Wayne's response to the following questions in this clip (approximately 16 minutes):
About TechColumbus
Distinguished by the breadth and scope of services it provides, TechColumbus offers a continuum of funding options and venture development services to help entrepreneurs create great companies in
Central Ohio. Dedicated and seasoned practitioners guide companies through a rigorous vetting process, providing advice, mentoring and due diligence to assure the best companies and innovations receive the resources necessary to thrive and build a knowledge-based, entrepreneurial-driven economy. The program has achieved an impressive leverage of funds invested. To date, TechColumbus managed funds have invested directly $22.5 million in 139 ventures, attracting more than $300 million in follow-on funding.
About the Excellence in TBED Awards
The SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards recognize
exceptional achievement in addressing elements that have been found in
successful tech-based economies. These include a research base that
generates new knowledge, mechanisms for transferring knowledge into the
marketplace, an entrepreneurial culture, sources of risk capital, and a technically skilled workforce.
For more information about the SSTI Excellence in TBED Awards, visit